The benefits of touch- Massage in Fremantle

Don’t high-five, don’t shake hands, don’t go for massage in Fremantle, and definitely don’t hug. When the pandemic started, we were bombarded with these messages as a way to slow the increase of COVID-19. This meant we could not meet our friends and family in months. Let alone going for social gatherings and Asian oil massage in Cockburn.

It has been more than a year since the pandemic started. The cases may have gone down and people may have started booking appointments for Bibra lake massage, but we still need to be precautious. 


This might be very tough for a lot of us, especially those of us who live alone. This is because optimistic tactile sensations can make us feel excellent. It increases the levels of hormones and neurotransmitters that encourage positive mental health, is involved in a bond, and can help decrease tension. 


So how do we cope with a crisis where there is no physical contact?

Touch has all the benefits- it helps with a good bonding system, mental health, deep connection, better immune system, but you cannot have it. Less physical touch means aggressive behaviour. 


Adopt a pet


Pets have helped millions of people around the world during this time. Dogs or cats have had a huge impact on people’s mental health. Their hugs and licks have given support to humans. The dog’s jolly and energetic nature combined with sensitivity one has helped many in this pandemic. 




Book Fremantle or Bibra Lake massages before you directly go for it. Ensure that the studio isn’t crowded. Ask the staff to disinfect every inch of the room and tools going to be used. Massage can help overcome anxiety. The pressure a therapist puts on you can soothe your body in many ways. The therapist should have their temperature checked, wear a mask, and wash hands all the time. Massage helps release good hormones. It makes you feel good and be present in the moment. Observe the touch. And if you feel uncomfortable, inform the therapist right away.


If you can’t afford to have a pet or go for massage sessions, then maintain touch within limits. And if you have no one around you, do not despair, there are groups where you can connect and socialize. Stay in touch with your friends and family regularly through your phone, which will also help a lot.
