When not to go for Fremantle massage

Massage has numerous benefits, but it may not suit everyone. As baffling as it may sound, there can be many reasons for that. Fremantle massage can be soothing and relaxing for a majority of the people. Today, let’s take a look at how it might play as a spoilsport for some.

If you have a temporary or chronic health condition let the therapists know. They need to demonstrate perceptiveness to and understanding of your conditions or signs. Numerous therapists have massage training on how to deliver an effective therapy protocol that will complement other kinds of remedies/efforts you are pursuing to decrease or eliminate signs.

Before you book for a massage session at Perth massage in Cockburn, or anywhere you go, check the list of medical conditions below and notify your therapist if any if they apply to you. Also, tell them who diagnosed your symptoms or condition (your doctor or primary caregiver, a complementary treatment provider, or you, yourself).

Tell the massage therapist if you have these issues-


Speak to your therapist if you have or had any condition from one of these classifications:


· Other skin diseases (rashes, burns, or sores)

· Circulatory system problems (varicose veins, high blood pressure, or stroke)

· Infectious skin conditions (warts, boils, or herpes)

· Digestive issues (IBS, ulcers, or colitis)

· Endocrine system issues (thyroid or diabetes)

· Edema

· Respiratory system issues (asthma)

· Lymph/immune system problems (chronic exhaustion or HIV/AIDS)

· Musculoskeletal system ailments (fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis)

· Nervous system diseases (herpes or Parkinson's disease)

· Miscellaneous situations (pregnancy, migraines, cancer)

You have to be very cautious when you leave for massage. The sanitization has to be of utmost priority. You have to also tell the professionals about your booking to be in a less crowded space. These are tough times during the pandemic and all the precautions must be taken.

Do not go for a massage when you have fever, rashes, burns, or have recently had an accident. If you feel dizzy, nauseated, or simply worn out, then avoid going for the massage for a while. It can hamper with your healing process and can prove to be detrimental.

Enjoy Perth massage in Cockburn with your friends or alone. You could also book an appointment for someone you love, but only make sure they are liable for it. 
